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Para nĂŁo esquecer 9'


· All the photos, never blown up, were lost due to a damage in the memory card. What a great name for a card. I can remember those images more than most of the photos I took during that time.

Chambre Ă  Louer 20' Quarto para Alugar


Leticia vit par elle-mĂȘme. Sa routine de nuit et de mĂ©lancolie cache un mystĂšre. Quand elle rencontre Gabriela Ă  une fĂȘte et la ramĂšne chez lui, Ă©tranges mouvements commencent Ă  se dĂ©velopper dans son ancien appartement. · Leticia lives by herself. Her nightly and melancholy routine hides a mystery. When she meets Gabriela at a party and brings her home, strange movements begin to develop in her old apartment.

La promesse du Bagne 55'


"À la fois satire sociale et ode Ă  l’amour, *La promesse du bagne* est l’histoire d’une idylle atypique." TĂ©lĂ©rama · "Both a social satire and an love anthem, *The prison promise* is a story of an atypical romance." Telerama

De son vivant 120'


Face Ă  la fin de vie de son enfant, une mĂšre affronte l’indicible accompagnĂ©e par l'attention humaine du personnel mĂ©dical. Un film juste et poignant. · Faced with the end of her child's life, a mother confronts the unspeakable accompanied by the human attention of medical personnel. A fair and poignant film.