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Le pont au bout du monde 114' Most na kraju svijeta


ChargĂ© d'enquĂȘter sur la disparition d'un vieil homme, un agent de police constate qu'il est lui mĂȘme intimement liĂ© Ă  l'affaire. · The film "The Bridge at the End of the World" deals with the unfortunate human destinies from the war in Croatia. In fear of the return of Serbian refugees to their houses in which they lived before the war and that in the meantime populated with Croat refugees from Bosnia, an old man disappears, and the investigation that starts from a police officer who lives in Serbian house, will become more personal.

Pa Fuera 16' Pa Fuera


Stella et ses trois fillettes vivent chez Corto, isolĂ©es. Elles sont prĂȘtes Ă  tout pour un moment de libertĂ© ! · Stella and her three daughters are isolated from the outside world with Corto. They'll do anything for a moment of freedom!

De l’autre cĂŽtĂ© de la mer 106'


Un photographe de guerre a pris une photo “de trop”. Il s’est Ă©loignĂ© des hommes et ne photographie plus que des arbres
 Une jeune femme fuit la vengeance de sa famille pour rejoindre un futur qu’elle espĂšre de libertĂ© – de l’autre cĂŽtĂ© de la mer. Un prĂȘtre catholique doute de sa Foi et tente de sauver des migrants en pactisant avec le Diable
 De l’autre cĂŽtĂ© de la mer: un voyage erratique, Ă  la poursuite d’une rĂ©demption dans les ruines d’une Albanie Ă  la fois rĂ©elle et onirique. · A former war photographer has taken one picture too many. He wandered off from the human kind and he only takes pictures of trees... A young girl flees the vengeance of her family in quest of a future of freedom - on the other side of the sea. A Catholic priest doubts his Faith and tries to save migrants by coming to terms with the Devil... On the other side of the sea: an erratic path seeking redemption among the ruins of an Albanian territory both real and magical.

Valzer 16' Valzer


"Puis-je vous poser une question ? Puis-je savoir qui recevra le sperme?" · "May I ask you a question? May I know who will receive the sperm?"

Terra di i turmenti 80'


GuidĂ© par un personnage au parcours tortueux, ce film documentaire se propose d’explorer la relation exemplaire entre le clergĂ© corse et la sociĂ©tĂ© civile, en ravivant l’histoire mouvementĂ©e de ces quarante derniĂšres annĂ©es. · Guided by a tortuous character's path, this documentary will explore the exemplary relationship between the Corsican clergy and civil society, reviving the turbulent history of the last forty years.