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Atrocitas 9'


· In an imaginary world, representing society's current and horrific human rights issues, freedom of speech and assembly are at stake as women are attacked by riot police in the middle of a massive protest. In a turn of events, one official must decide what's right and wrong. Or will he?

Congo Paradiso 52' Congo Paradiso


Quand les enfants-soldats de Congo RDC font de leur expérience de guerre une piÚce de théùtre. · When children soldiers turn their war experience into a stage performance.

Wake Up 37' Wake Up


Nous ne sortons jamais indemnes des personnages que nous interprétons. · We're never unscathed from the characters we perform.

One Second Changes Everything 9'


· A mother & daughter begin their escape from an abusive relationship. The outcome will determine their future. Based on Nicholas Kristof's New York Times article 'To End The Abuse' March 8th, 2014.